Almighty, Everlasting God,
the Protector of all those who put their trust in Thee:
hear our prayers in behalf of Thy servants
who sail their vessels beneath the seas.
We beseech Thee to keep in Thy sustaining care
all who are in submarines,
that they may be delivered
from the hidden dangers of the deep.
Grant them courage,
and a devotion to fulfill their duties,
that they may better serve Thee and their native land.
Though acquainted with the depths of the ocean,
deliver them from the depths of despair
and the dark hours of the absence of friendliness
and grant them a good ship's spirit.
Bless all their kindred and loved ones
from whom they are separated.
When they surface their ships,
may they praise Thee for Thou art there as well as in the deep.
Fill them with Thy Spirit
that they may be sure in their reckonings,
unwavering in duty,
high in purpose,
and upholding the honor of their nation.
~ author unknown
All mighty Father,
whose way is in the sea
and whose paths are in the great waters
whose command is over all and whose love never faileth:
Let me be aware of Thy presence
and obedient to Thy will.
Keep me true to my best self,
guarding me against dishonesty in purpose and in deed,
and helping me so to live
that I can stand unashamed and unafraid before my shipmates,
my loved ones, and Thee.
Protect those in whose love I live.
Give me the will to do the work of a man
and to accept my share of responsibilities
with a strong heart and a cheerful mind.
Make me considerate of those intrusted to my leadership
and faithful to the duties my country has intrusted to me.
Let my uniform remind me daily
of the traditions of the Service of which I am a part.
If I am inclined to doubt, steady my faith;
if I am tempted, make me strong to resist;
if I should miss the mark, give me courage to try again.
Guide me with the light of truth and keep before me the life of Him
by whose example and help I trust
to obtain the answer to my prayer,
Jesus Christ, our Lord.
~ World War II - Naval Serviceman